Thursday, October 14, 2010

Want to win?????

So I promised a huge giveaway on my blog and it starts today!

See the photos above? Well this is the prize folks...a brand spankin' new Gypsy by Provo Craft! Yes, you have a chance to win this wonderful prize. Read on to find out exactly what you need to do to be entered to win!

1. Leave a comment and tell me why you would like to win a Gypsy. One entry.
2. Become a follower of my blog. Second entry.
3. Send 5 friends over to enter and have them list you as the person who referred them. Third entry
4. Current Cricut Circle member? Fourth entry

When will I draw a winner for the Gypsy? I think I will draw from all entries received on Monday October 18th.



1 – 200 of 240   Newer›   Newest»
Meg said...

Pick me! Pick me!

I'd like one because I'd like to try out all the nifty stuff it can do. I'm just finally getting back to my crafty self and I think it would be super fun :)

Kelly Massman said...

I'd like to win one because I would never be able to afford one! :-) Thanks for the chance!

Kelly Massman said...

I'm a follower (2nd entry)

In Memory of Muriel May Clemens said...

Id love to win the Gypsy as I am on the move quite a bit with 3 sons. Spend alot of time traveling to Seattle for my sons medical issues and waiting for hours for tests and results. My son and I would both enjoy having this to create things for albums and gifts for others. Thank you for the chance to win.
Chris Poindexter

rosemaryschild said...

I would luv to win a Gypsy for my daughter! She has the Cake Cricut & I can use it! She will be delighted!

rosemaryschild said...

I am a follower of this blog!

Ashleigh said...

I want to win a Gypsy for my friend Wendy! She just recently came down and used my Cricut and Gypsy for the very first time and she fell in love. So her hubby is prob getting her an E for Christmas and I would love to give her a G.


aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

Ashleigh said...

I am a follower!


aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

Ashleigh said...

I am a circle member!
aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

rosemaryschild said...

I sent five(5) friends over to check this out from me!

rosemaryschild said...

I am a Circle Cricut member!

Manhattan Mandie said...

I'm in the Circle :) Nice to meet fellow Circlets!

Manhattan Mandie said...

I just became a follower! I hope you'll come follow me too! I'm also doing a giveaway on my blog but not quite this big, LOL!

Manhattan Mandie said...

I know I need a Gypsy and I can't afford to buy one right now! I would really like to be able to alter and weld cuts without dragging my laptop to the basement!

Jennifer Richardson said...

COOLIO! Great giveaway Lisa! Would love to have a gypsy to go with my new Cricut Imagine :) Hope I win! It will make my marriage much happier than if I gift one to myself ;)

connie said...

I would love to win one! I have heard so many great things about it and it would be alot less packing when I go scrapping with my friends!

connie said...

i already am a follower!

Betsy said...

I would love to win one because one of my students (I teach cricut classes) let me use hers so I can learn how to use then I can teach HER how to use it, now the problem is I'm having so much fun with it I don't want to give it back so winning one would mean I can give hers back to her and still have one to play with!

Already a follower Lisa....thanks for the chance to win the gypsy!!


Tifany said...

I'd love to win because there is no other way I would get one! Too expensive!

Proud Fiskateer #5942

PS - Betsy Burnett sent me!

Tifany said...

I am already a follower!

Proud Fiskateer #5942

Ms. Tina said...

Betsy sent me over here :D

I'd love to win the Gypsy not only because I think it's an amazing tool but also because I am always on the go. With 5 kids, I run, run, run and my creative time is limited. This would help me use my free minutes as they come instead of trying to carve out free minutes when I really don't have them.

Suz said...

Great giveaway... I'd love to win one to give to my best friend who makes cards on her Cricut

Suz said...

I signed up to follow your blog

Michele said...

I'd love to win a gypsy and give to a friend of mine who desperately wants one but can't afford it.

Michele said...

I'm a Circlette.

Michele said...

I'm following.

Unknown said...

hi im a circle memebr who just Followed your blog!!!


Unknown said...

oh and forgot to tell you why i want to win a G!! haha well because its a g and who wouldnt want one or another one????


Colleen said...

I am sure that with the gypsy, I would use my cricut much more than I do now. I love what it can do, but have to do most of my scrapping at crops and it is a pain to take all of my cartridges with me. They gypsy would be so much easier to tote around and make it easier to find just what I am looking for on a cartridge.

I am a follower. thanks for a chance to win.

Dolores said...

OMG how I would love to win a Gypsy it would be so much easier to carry to my crops instead of carrying all my cartridges. Became a follower

Unknown said...

I would love to win a gypsy for my aunt. She has told me she would never be able to afford one and I think this would be a wonderful gift for her!

Sandy said...

I would love a gypsy because a.)it's a scrapbook toy - and you can never have enough of those, right? b.) because I have a very limited craft space and would love a more streamlined way to use my cricut and c.) because I feel very limited in what I can do with my cricut and would love a way to do trickier cuts with it!

Oh, and Betsy Burnett sent me over!

Unknown said...

I am a blog follower :)

Sandy said...

Became a follower :)

Unknown said...

I am also a Cricut Circle member

Tigerrlyli said...

I would love to win one so that I can have a spare (if PC would allow me to have two with the same serial number) or it would make a really great gift for my new sister in law.

I am now a follower and I am a circle member.

PinkPug,INK. said...

I'd love to win one because I'm not allowed to spend any money since I don't have a job currently! Thanks for the chance!

PinkPug,INK. said...

Also, I already follow you! :)

Kelly said...

I would love to win a Gypsy for my daughter! Thanks for the chance.


Abby said...

Hi!! I would love a gypsy for my sister!!

Abby said...

Just became a follower!!!

Deanne said...

I would love to win because I think they are amazing and can do some real cool things!

Deanne said...

I am a follower :)

Cyndi S. said...

I would love to win the Gypsy because I see all of the great crafts that are being made with it! And I hear it is a must have.So keeping my fingers crossed.
I am a follower..

Cyndi S.

Rosalee said...

Wow awesome giveaway. I would love to win cause I have heard how awesome these things are. And boy would it be great to have. lol
Hugs, Rosalee

Rosalee said...

I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Tona said...

I would like to win this because after I loaded my cartridges on there it would save me some shelf space. ;) I'm already a follower.

Becky said...

I have been eyeing one of these for a while now but just haven't made the leap to get one. I have seen nothing but awesome stuff made with this and would LOVE to have one to give it a whirl

Becky said...

I'm also a follower
and Colleen sent me :)

Rhonda Fiskateer 5614 said...

I'd love to win! Thanks Lisa...Colleen from Fiskateers sent me!

just jayma said...

I would love to win a Gyspy because it is a portable design studio! I often wish I had one of these while waiting for a kid to finish a sport or activity!

Blingdazzler said...

I would love to win the Gypsy! My sister got me into the Cricut last year when her and I both bought them. Since then I have gone cricut crazy and she has barely turned hers on! If I got her a Gypsy I think the cricut would be easier for her to use! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kim Hudson

just jayma said...

I'm a current Cricut Circle member too!

just jayma said...

I'm a follower too! Thanks for the chances to win!!

Blingdazzler said...

I am a follower of your blog! (Second entry)

Blingdazzler said...

I am Circle Member :) (third entry)

CricutLady said...

I would love to win the Gypsy to give to Miss Kim. She is a mother of 4 - 5 if you count her husband. She is the breadwinner and can't afford one, so, if I win - she wins!
I am a Cricut Circle Member and signed up as a Follower.
Thank you for the chance and good luck everyone!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I am a circle member that just became a follower and would love to win because I have already been pricing for another as mine is over a year old now and I can't leve without if it breaks. You see we go everywhere together and it gets a little scary when your Gypsy becomes overworked and overtired!!!
shesasassylady at hotmail dot com

Liz said...

I would love to win one because it's DD birthday in November and she wants it and I would love to be able to do this for her.! She is a good girl goes to school full-time and works full-time and is in another state.. I just love the economy they cute her hours and her roommate is moving so to make things even worse for her we are doing what we can but moving her into a place and deposits and all that well that's most important

Liz said...

I just became a follower

ScrappinCntryGrl said...

Wow what a great RAK....I would love to win a Gyspy for the fun of using this with my Expression, it's like adding the creame filling to a donut....

ScrappinCntryGrl said...

I am a follower!!!! (already on facebook, surprised i was not a follower already!)

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I just learned of this from Liz she emailed me and told me to come and try to win the Gypsy contest I will send an email out to my friends some are not crafty but I'll see what I can do.
I would love to win this Gypsy because I want to give it to someone who DESERVES it she has been thru tough times lately and she is always the first one there for people she has really taken a hit with the economy and I would love to do something nice for someone who has always given to others. If I won two then I would keep the second but seriously I truly think she deserves it.!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Liz aka javagirl lol
I see her post it's just above me I must of read it just as she sent it lol

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I am now a follower who hoo.

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I sent out an email to 25 people let's see what happens

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Sadly I 'm not a member of the cricut circle

Tricia said...

Betsy referred me! I would love to win a Gyspy, I'm homeschooling my first grader for the first time and it would be wonderful to create wonderful memories with her!

Kim Horlander said...

I would love to win won to give to my friend, Dana.

Kim Horlander said...

I am now a follower!

Kim Horlander said...

And I am a Circle Member.

Tricia said...

I'm a follower!

Tricia said...

I'm a follower!

Lisa's Scrap Site said...


Bobbi said...

I would love a Gypsy to give to my BFF that I scrap with because she cannot afford one and I know she would use it because she loves mine.

Bobbi said...

I am a Circlet

Bobbi said...

I am a follower. Thanks for all the chances

lighthouse said...

I would love to win a gypsy for my friend who can't afford it. Thanks for the chance!

lighthouse said...

I signed up as a follower.

lighthouse said...

I'm a cricut circle member.

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

I'm a cricut circle member, Yayyyy!!!

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

I'm now a follower of your blog and Karen, Soccerboyzmom sent me over!!!

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

I would like to win a Gypsy so I can give as a gift.

I have a very dear friend who has been nothing but amazing to everyone else (including me) and has had the worst time lately. I'd love to brighten her holidays!

P.S. CONGRATULATIONS on becoming part of the Cricut Circle DT!!! WOOO HOOO!!!

Amie said...

My name is Amie H. and I want to win because it looks like a cool tool!

Amie said...

Amie H. I'm a follower!

Amie said...

Liz Schafer sent me! Amie H.

Unknown said...

What a great prize Lisa. I'd love to win one so I can experience all the great things the Gypsy can do.

Crossing my fingers...

Beth said...

I would love to win one, I would give it to my daughter to craft with.

I am a cricut circle member.

Thanks for the chance.

Lisa W said...

I would love to experience the Gypsy, thanks for the chance to win!
I am a circle member YA!!

Kathy said...

I would love to win one becauseit may be the only way I can afford one.

Kathy said...

I'm a new follwer and Ashleigh Copenhaver sent me!

Unknown said...

I am a follower now, I had so many different emails about it! ACK... I have to pick one? Or can I say everyone who sent me?

If I have to pick one Karen sent me

but also Mandie and Betsy mentioned it to me as well. Sorry guys I went with the first one who emailed me

scrapaholicjen said...

I would like to win a Gypsy for my sister who realllllly wants one!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

Patricia said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win the Gypsy. If I won it, I would give it to my daughter. She loves all her Cricut toys, but with 2 small children, her crafting budget is limited. She would love it!

scrapaholicjen said...

I am a follower!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

LadybugCarrie said...

I would love to win a Gypsy so I could give it to my friend who even more Cricut crazy than me! Thank you for the chance!

scrapaholicjen said...

I am a circle member too!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

LadybugCarrie said...

I am a follower. :-)

LadybugCarrie said...

I am also a Circle member! :-)

Wende said...

I would so love a Gypsy to help me design and make changes to images. I became a follower and I am a circle member! Thanks for the chance to win. This is an awesome giveaway!

Brenda said...

I would love to win a Gypsy because I don't have one yet. I still use CDS and would love to upgrade to the Gypsy.

I am now a follower of your blog and I am a Cricut Circle member.

Thank you for the chance to win!!

KTbirdiegirl said...

I would love to win a G and share it with a very special friend! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway. (1st entry)

KTbirdiegirl said...

I'm also a current member of the Cricut Circle. (2nd entry)

Melissa said...

Karen sent me!

I followed the blog too :)

I hope to win this for my neighbor.

Bamabel said...

What a nice prize! I do not want to be entered as I already have a Gypsy, but I wanted to say that Liz (aka javagirl) sent me. I am now a follower too! :)

JennLucas said...

I would love to win a Gypsy! I love all the things it can do and can't wait to try it out!

Kelly said...

I am a follower of your blog!


Kelly said...

I am a current circle member as well!


JennLucas said...

And now, thanks to Craft Test Dummies, I am following your blog, too! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would really like to win a gypsy because I could design while away from home. I have a lot of downtime at work. Thanks for a chance

Burffrau @ aol dot com

Brad Fulton said...

I need a gypsy so I can weld letters. Thanks for the chance to win one.

scrapperbecka said...

thanks for the chance to win! I am a follwer and a circle member!
my circle name is scrapperbecka

RitaS said...

I'd like to win because I don't have ANY machine as such - and I am quite sure it would open a whole new world of creative fun for me.
I'm already a follower. Since I don't have a Cricut I am not in the circle, but I will try to send 5 friends over here because I love ya girl!

jen said...

I would LOVE to win a gypsy- the creative possibilities give me tingles!!! I don't know that I can save enough pennies to buy one, so this may be my only chance!!!

jen said...

Have been a follower for a long time!! :)

Melanie Stanczyk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie Stanczyk said...

I would like a gypsy because I don't have one! Ya know, a scrappin' girl needs to have 1 of everything!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

oh, and I'm a follower!

Now, let me find some friends and send them this way!

Manders said...

I would love to win this Gypsy.
I have a baby cricut but it's the best scrapping gift I ever got. I love it.
Just flat out can't afford to buy one is the honest truth. I'm sure that there is so many people that can't the economy just bites right now.
I got to school , work full time ,
I'm getting back into scrapping and figure the only way I'm gonna get a gypsy is to win one.

Goood luck to you all I'm sure that anyone from the entries will be happy to win.

Im' not sure how the contest is done but I really hope it goes to someone who gonna love it like I will. xoxo
Good luck ladies and Karen aka soccerboyzmom sent me.

Manders said...

I'm new to scrap blogging.
but I am now a follower and added you on my blog in which I hope to grow

Mamatha said...

I wanna win as I don't have one :(

Mamatha said...

I am already a follower of the blog

Hollyk said...

Please Pick me!!! :)
I am already a follower of your wonderful blog. Would love love to have a Gypsy. Now off to find 5 friends to come and check out your blog.
Holly #5486

Kim said...

Oh--I would love to win a Gypsy!!! To be able to design on the go and not have to hook it up to my computer would be great! I would love to start making some welded words and several other items!

Kim said...

I just became a follower! NOw off to wrangle some friends into signing in!!! :)

Michelle said...

yes I would like to win! I would give it away as a Christmas present!That would be one less person to buy for which would be GREAT!
Yes Iam a circle member ☺ and a friend of yours on fb!

Traci said...

I would like to win one because there is no way I'll every buy one because I just can't justify spending the $ and I feel a little cricut challenged and not sure that I utilize mine to it's maximum capability.

Dalis (stampergirl) said...

I am a follower.

-- dalis

Dalis (stampergirl) said...

I want one:

1. because I can't afford one at this time...
2. because I would love something to do while I wait for 2.5hrs for my daughter to get out of pre-school.
3. because I HATE DS but is the only means I have to make a shaped/welded card.

-- dalis

ruth said...

I'd love to win one because then my friend would want to come to my house with the Cricut in tow to scrap and not have to bring all her cartridges and switch them out. And maybe I could talk DH into letting me buy a Cricut! :)

Melanie Stanzyck sent me. :)

just jennifer said...

I would like one because they are just plain cool! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi...well easy question this time...why do I want to win one? CUZ IT IS THE COOLEST PRODUCT! and I wouldnt have to lug cartridges anymore! WHOOHOOO! ty for a chance


hilly77 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

and yes I follow...for quite a long time ( fellow fiskateer too! ) ty for a chance

TeacherMom said...

I actually have a gypsy on its way to me but I would love to be able to give one to my friend. She would jump over the moon to receive one. She wants to be a
CC sista, but just cannot afford it at this time. Keeping my fingers crossed for her!!! Thanks for the chance!!!!

TeacherMom said...

I became a follower (2nd entry)

TeacherMom said...

I am a circle member (teachermom)
Thanks for the chances!!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Kray said...

I am a follower now. Karen Soccerboyzmom sent me over here!

Sandy said...

Hi! What a great giveaway! I would be THRILLED to win, because I am disabled and it is very hard for me to get my Expression out and use it. I don't have a craft space right now, so my Cricut is on top of 2 stacked storage units and it is covered up. Sigh. I miss using it so much! Thank you for this fabulous opportunity!

Teresa said...

RitaS over at ACOT is where I found out about this. I would love to win a Gypsy. And since today is my birthday it would be a great prize.

Teresa said...

I am following you now also!

Kerri said...

already follow you, but awesome giveaway but being in new zealand, i don't know if i would be able to share if i won LOL .....

Marie D said...

Want one?? Who doesn't!! Just beacem a follower. Oh, and Rita sent me!!! ;-D

JeanellePaige said...

Rita sent me!

Janie said...

Awesome give away.

I am already a circle member and a follower of yours.

Sandy #1781 said...

Awesome giveaway Lisa! I'd love to win a Gypsy so I can create designs while in class, as students describe ideas to me.
I already follow your blog and
My entire crop circle follow too!

Katherine said...

I really enjoy the idea of learning how to make my own awesome cards, die cuts, etc so that I can scrap more without needing to buy more things. This would be such a help! I love what I have seen of it! I signed up to follow.Rita posted this on our scrap sight, and I followed her over.

Thoughts2Paper said...

Great . Would love to have this...
I think it would be a great thing because I have to wait in Dr office a lot and you can take it in the car wow. I think it's time for the 21st century for me to join it.
Thanks Follower as well now.

Lilygirl said...

Oh, I would love to win a gypsy!!I would give it to my DIL to use with her new E!!

Lilygirl said...

I am a circle member!!

Lilygirl said...

I am a follower!!

SpantastiKreations said...

OMG...what an awesome give away. I have been wanting a Gypsy for a while now but didn't know until just this week that it's compatible with my Personal Cutter. I'm so excited for this opportunity. The possibilities with a Gypsy are unbelievable.

I just became a follower.
I posted this link on my Facebook (Erin Spantastik)
Jenny Sent me.
I'm SUPER excited.

JeNn said...

I have been wanting a gypsy since it came out, husband in the military & he works hard for us & his country and I hate to ask him to buy it for me because military income is not the greatest. I want to win this so I can start making cards for him just because, fathers day and so on.

JeNn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Rhodes Lamer said...

I've wanted a Gypsy for awhile because it seems everyone have 1 but me..... and I will be shaving forever to get 1!!!

I am now a follower

and Erin Spantastik sent me!

I'll share your link on facebook


JeNn said...

I am a follower, I posted on my facebook.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower. I also have a cricut and many cartridges.

I would love to have the gypsy and have wanted one since it came out. I was laid-off from my full time job and can't afford one.

My girlfriends get together twice a month and would be nice to take the gypsy with me.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

The above comments are mine.


Martha Coronado

Nancy Briscar Martel said...

I'd really love to win this. Money's been really bad and I can't buy one right now. I'd use it to embellish my daughter's scrapbooks! Thanks for the chance!

weze said...

Betsy sent me over & who wouldn't want to win a Gypsy!

jeannine said...

I would love to win a Gypsy for a good friend of mine! I love mine and I know she would too! Thanks for a chance!
~Jeannine (

jeannine said...

I am now a follower!!
~Jeannine (

jeannine said...

My good friend Liz aka Javagirl sent me over!
~Jeannine (

jeannine said...

I am a Cricut Circle Member!
~Jeannine (

queenleader said...

I would love to win one to make things for my school. we just became a bucket filling school. It is such a good book and is helping the students and the staff so much. I have been put in charge of making all the gifts for the bucket filler of the week. I have wanted a gypsy for so long. Thank you so much for a chance to win the prize of my dreams, Have a blessed day

queenleader said...

I am now a follower

queenleader said...

Craft test dummy sent me to you

queenleader said...

OMG not a circle member but, just thought I would try. Dreams do come true right ??

Gail L said...

I AM a follower,that's how I knew to visit!
I'd love a Gypsy!
I don't have any of the fun up to date toys!

Raven B said...

OMGoodness how awesome is this! Jennifer A. sent me and wow glad she did. I love your blog. I would love to win a gypsy because my kiddos and I are outside a lot and I would love to be able to create while watching them ride bikes or watching them at their practices. Thanks so much for the chance to win. Off to send you some people.
thatsmerb at gmail dot com

Mrs.Debbie said...

I would luv to win a Gypsy for my daughter!

Mrs.Debbie said...

I'm a follower

Mrs.Debbie said...

Raven B sent me

Kerry T said...

I would love to win a gypsy. I have a job where I spend long days by myself and that is when I come up with ideas and I can't do anything. Ravan Baca sent me.

Kerry T said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Jennybean said...

I could do so much more with my cricut if I had a gypsy!!!

Jennybean said...

I'm a follower!

live well laugh often love always said...

i would love the chance to win a gypsy!

live well laugh often love always said...

i am also a follower

~ŠǿƒŧβŖñ™~ said...

I would like to win a Gypsy.. well because it's a Gypsy and it's a Provocraft product.. I love everything cricut and provocraft!!

~ŠǿƒŧβŖñ™~ said...

I am now a follower.. looking forward to your future entries and projects...

~ŠǿƒŧβŖñ™~ said...

... and I am also a current cricut circle member... said...

I am already a follower!!
Wat a Great and generous person you are!!


Rexann said...

Hi there I am Also A Circle member!! #1776
Rexann said...

I would love to win a gypsy because It has been something That I have always wanted but have not been able to afford it!!


Trinity said...

I just became a follower and I'm a currant circle member # 3847. I would really like to win this gypsy, not for myself but for my bff. She played around with mine and fell in love with it but she's on a bugdet and it doesn't have room for one just yet and she don't roam the mess. board and blogs like I do lol. good luck everyone.

JJewel said...

Hello!! I am a follower and circle member. I wish I could refer 5 friends but I don't have 5 friends that scrapbook :( I would love to win the gypsy to use while at my girls cheer, basketball and track practices!! between them and 2 jobs I am always on the go! Frisbee 418 at gmail dot com. Thank you for the chance!

Lisa B said...

I would love to win a gypsy because I would love to be able to create layouts when I'm not near my cricut such as on long car rides. It would also save me time by letting me cut from multiple cartridges at once. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa B said...

I am also a current cricut circle member 2509.

Lisa B said...

I have also become a follower!

tonka50 said...

I would like to win a gypsy because I don't one and now they are giving those free carts, so I REALLY need one! Oh, please pick me, pick me!

Rainbow said...

I would like to win a Gypsy so I have something to do while I am on the train going to work every day!

Michelle dot watson 82 at gmail dot com

Rainbow said...

I am a follower

Michelle dot watson 82 at gmail dot com

Rainbow said...

I am a cricut circle member

Michelle dot watson 82 at gmail dot com

Scrapper69 said...

I would LOVE one so I can make all kinds of fun crafty things that everyone keeps talking about! :o)

Scrapper69 said...

I became a follower!!!

Scrapper69 said...

I AM a Circle Member!!! :o)

Unknown said...

What a fabulous prize! Betsy Burnett sent me.
I'd love the gypsy so I could create designs on the go or while I'm out and about with my twins.

Unknown said...

I just became a follower of your blog.

Anonymous said...

I Would love to win a gypsy! My best scrapping buddy can't afford one, and I would LOVE to gift one to her. It would make her year. Pat P

Anonymous said...

I became a follower of your blog!! Second entry.
Pat P

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