It has been quite some time since I hosted a giveaway on my blog. It is about time again, wouldn't you say?
Up for grabs today is a Cricut Lite Dude cartridge. This is a great giveaway since it retails for $39.99 and you will get it for............FREE! Read on to find out what you have to do to win! I will draw a random winner when the blog post total reaches 100 posts so send everyone you know to enter.
1. Leave a post on this blog thread telling me what you would make if you won this cartridge. The post must be left on the blog post itself.
2. You can earn another entry every time you send a friend to enter who mentions your name.
3. Become a follower of my Paper Fashions blog if you are not one, then post that you became a follower. If you are already a follower please post that as well for another entry.
4. Post a link to this blog post on your blog, on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Each time you do that be sure to add a post to this string letting me know.
Again, once I see that the posts on this thread have reached 100 then I will draw a random winner!