I do want to ask a couple more questions right here in this post to try to determine what would work best. Post your answers in the comment section and you will be entered into a drawing to win a colorful pack of Prima flowers. I will randomly draw 5 winner, so 5 different Prima flower packs will be sent out!
1. Should I start a blog style store to sell my kits and instructions or should I set up a shop over at Etsy? (If I do blog style store it will be a new blog only for this purpose)
2. If I started kits now aimed at Holiday gift giving would you purchase now to get started creating or would it be too early for this?
Thanks everyone and I will do a random draw for this post next week Tueday. So you have some time to post here for the random drawing!

I like the blog style store idea better.
I think for holiday sometime in June/ July is a perfect time to start thinking ahead.
Hope my opinion helps...thanks for a chance
I like the blog style store idea better. May be starting with back to school or just a nice summer kit to do all those vacations, staying with grandparents etc would be fun!
Oh, I love the idea of holiday gifts now! I think thats a fantastic idea. As for a blog style or etsy, I'm not sure. I don't have a clear picture of what a blog style store is. Sorry, not much help there.
I say, blog style store & it's a little early for me for holiday gift stuff, maybe in a few months.
I vote for blog style... and I think holidays starting in July. HTH!
I work at a scrapbook store and several people come in to buy for their holiday cards. I vote for the holiday gifts.
I vote for blog style shop with the holiday items starting in the summer so I can get a head start on things when I have more time.
I would prefer a blog style store. I usually start my Christmas cards and gifts in September, so sometime in the summer would be good.
Thank you for asking your blog followers and for the opportunity to win some goodies!!!
Carol Froehlich
Hi Lisa!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to take the survey! I'm not sure about which store would be easier for you to maintain- I'd guess the blog type? I'm all about easier. I'm not really a kit purchaser at this point, although I can imagine that your kits would be fantastic. I think summer to intro holiday stuff is GREAT! A lot of crafters do think in those terms since so much of what we do takes a lot more time than running to the store in Nov/Dec! :)
Whatever you decide- I wish you MUCH LUCK!! :)
Hello Lisa from over here in Cape Town!
I think I'd prefer the blog style store but I think you'll have more exposure in the Etsy forum for selling your wares.
As for gifting - I tend to wait until Sept/Oct before starting.
Thanks for the chance to win those AWESOME Prima Flowers!
Helen -- Firenze Cards
Hi Lisa
#1- Etsy would be the best chance for finding the more crafters, I would think. Just be sure to let spread the word with announcements of new goodies and reminders about sales etc on your blog and FB Page.
#2 Holiday Items- end of August...
Gayle G
Hi Lisa--I would prefer the blog store, but you may hit more customers if you do it through etsy.
It's a little early for Christmas gifts for me...usually July or so.
good luck!
Blog style store! Otherwise you'll have to deal with Etsy rules/fees. As long as you use PayPal everyone should be happy.
I think it's a little early for holiday kits...maybe in July or August?
I personally like a blog store that I can use PayPal. I start my Christmas projects whenever I find something that is the "perfect" thing for that someone I love, so it doesn't really matter to me. Most people I know though usually like starting around July especially my quilting buddies are like that. Whatever you end up doing I wish you all the best and I would be excited to see your kits!
I'm going to vote for blog store instead of etsy. You would definitely have to spread that word through other sites tho. I also think it would be too early for holiday kits. Just my opinion though...I'm sort of a last minute person :) Good luck!
I vote for blogstyle store and holiday kits sometime in august!!!
Wish you luck with your new endeavour!
blog store; too early for holidays
Blog style store is easy, however etsy could bring more crafters. If you do blog you could facebook about it that could bring in some also.
Holiday~you could start with the 4th of July and go on to starting school. I don't think it is to early at all.
Have a great week!
I would pick the blog style. If you did summer vacation kits now would be great but Holiday gift giveing is a bit early for me ...more like Sept or Oct. for that. Good luck which ever way you decide.
I like the blog style and I think it is never to early to start on Holiday gifts because I am always behind.
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