You are probably wondering where I have been? LOL
Well we were gone for a couple of weeks on vacation to the happiest place on earth...Disney World. Then of course throw Thanksgiving in there......well, you know how it goes. So here I am, finally posting on my very neglected blog!
I thought I would start by posting a couple of pictures from our vacation. I just love going to Disney! The first picture is right after our daughter got a make over in the Bippidy Boppidy Boo boutique. We normally do something really special like a character meal. This year we decided if she wanted to do the princess make over we would do that instead and she did.
The second photo is from our day at Cocoa beach. Warm and sunny and so relaxing. Honestly I think I'd love to live by the Ocean, and when I say that I mean right on the Ocean! I'm not a big swimmer, but I sure love to sit for hours and just look at the enormity of all that water. Something so peaceful and calming to me. Anyway, my daughter wanted to be buried in the sand and her wish came true!
The third photo is from Universal Studios Island of Adventure and the new Harry Potter section. Let me tell you that this is fantastic! Very much how it looks in the movie. Although I have to admit there wasn't a ton to do in this section. We did the ride of course. The wand shop was down do to technical difficulties and by the time it opened it was swamped. The candy store had a line a mile long. It was cool to see but they need to seriously add more attractions to this area to make it really cool.
Let me know if you have gone to the Orlando area and what your favorite thing is to do there.....

OMG! Lisa you have me really excited just looking at your pictures and reading about Orlando. My hubby and I are going there on Jan 15th for two weeks, I live in Canada so it will feel so good to get away from the snow and cold. Your daughter is so beautiful in her Princess outfit, Thanks for posting your pictures.
What fabulous memories you have made! The princess looks quite regal and also having so much fun. I would love to do the Harry Potter experience, but I hope they take your advice. There is so much more they could do.
Thanks for the lunch date! It was great to catch up with you.
Enjoy the day!
I haven't been to Disney World, but I love seeing your photos! Your daughter is so beautiful, she always makes me smile.
I love Harry Potter and hope they add more because next time we visit the in laws (in Atlanta area), I'm going to demand a visit to Orlando. LOL!
Thanks for taking time to catch up.
Hi Lisa...I love the photos and your daughter is growing so fast!
I lived in FL and Orlando is awesome. Of course Disney is a fav, but I also like Sea World very much.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Lisa looks like you had a great time I can't wait to make another trip south to see the new H Potter area of universal.
Definitely that Harry Potter ride is on our list for the next visit we take. 2 of my 3 kids have devoured the books and movies this past year.
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